Sophomores Receive 1st Place at FFA Event

Congratulations to Sam Schilling and Izzy Cagnones for receiving 1st place in Prepared Public Speaking and Extemporaneous Speaking at the District 6 FFA Leadership Development Event!



We interviewed Sam and Izzy to get a better idea of their tasks in this event. Sam had to prepare a speech on any subject related to Ag. She had to memorize her speech and deliver it word for word, as the judges had a copy of her speech and were following along. When asked how she felt going into the speech, Sam stated,

“I was shaking. My hands were sweating. It was terrifying.”



Izzy’s task was to deliver an extemporaneous speech. For her speech, she was given a topic and had only 30 minutes to prepare a 4-minute speech. The question she had to answer was, “What role could the U.S. play in helping developing countries pursue agriculture?” When asked about the experience, this is what Izzy had to say:

“I felt like I did bad. I thought that I didn’t go in depth enough. I was short on time, so I assumed that I had lost.”



Little did she know, she was about to win first place! Both girls said that they felt very confident and accomplished after getting 1st place in their events.

Izzy and Sam will now go to the State FFA event in Pierre, where they will prepare speeches in the same categories. If they win at state, they will go on to compete at Nationals.

We are so proud of Sam and Izzy, and we wish them good luck in their future competitions!